Public Assembly

Only allowable assemblies may be held on the college campus. Disallowable assemblies are defined as those that have a reasonable probability of any of the following:

  1. Interfering with a legitimate college activity.
  2. Showing a present intention to incite or disrupt college activities, coupled with a clear and present danger that the activities of the college will in fact be materially disrupted.
  3. Including matters that would subject administrators to civil liability for libel or defamation.
  4. Including matters that are obscene in accordance with prevailing legislative and judicial interpretation or that offend the conscience of the community.

Guidelines and application forms for use of college buildings, facilities, grounds, and equipment are available from the president or his/her designee. Each application is acted upon within ten working days of its receipt in the designated office.

Any party or parties using the college buildings, facilities, campus, or equipment without following the procedures identified above are subject to removal from the campus and to prosecution.

Assemblies in buildings or on the campus must not interfere with or disrupt in any way the regular functions and needs of the college. No such assemblies may use any sound amplification equipment, unless specifically approved in advance.

Littering of the campus or buildings is prohibited and is enforced under General Statutes 14-399.

Acceptance of donations or charges for admission to such assemblies is generally prohibited unless special approval is obtained through the process identified above in advance of the event. (Procedure 2.03.02)