Course Syllabi

Course syllabi are made available in Ram’s Online for every curriculum course. The core syllabus contains, at a minimum, an identification of any prerequisites or corequisites, a course description, the course objectives, the grading criteria, a statement indicating how student success will be measured (for example, any pretest and post-test measures), a general statement on student access to instructors, a statement relating to accommodations for students with a disability, and the college policy on minimum attendance requirementsThis core syllabus is the same for any section of a particular course. The core syllabus may contain other information which is common among all sections of a course.

Along with the syllabus, an addendum prepared by the individual faculty member which gives specific information on student access to the instructor, specific information on the instructor’s attendance and lateness policy, information on textbooks and/or other required materials, and other information, which may include, but not be limited to, a specific course outline with dates that various topics will be covered, the projected dates for tests and/or examinations, due dates for assignments, and any other information the instructor wants students to know at the beginning of the course.

The core syllabus will not change during the term unless changes in college policy/procedures or in knowledge on the topics covered necessitate a change, but the information in the addendum is subject to change. The instructor will notify students of any changes either orally or in writing as early as practicable. Instructors will make every effort to keep changes to a minimum but reserve the right to adjust the course as circumstances or needs dictate. Students are responsible for learning about changes if they miss a class period in which a change was announced or given in writing.