General education is the part of a student’s education that assures that all graduates with a degree or diploma receive an appropriately broad and deep exposure to knowledge not specifically related to their field of study. Each degree offered by the college requires a minimum of 15 semester hours of general education classes. This requirement is designed to ensure that associate degree graduates learn to communicate effectively and have exposure to the broad disciplines of human thought including communications, humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics. This general education requirement is designed to produce graduates who have a well-rounded education, which complements the specific skills they may learn relevant to their particular discipline.
Inclusion in Degrees and Diplomas
General education is an essential part of all degrees and diplomas at Southeastern Community College. Each degree or diploma meets general education outcomes (competencies) at a level appropriate for that degree or diploma, either at the college level, degree level, or transfer level.
All transfer degrees contain a minimum of 45 semester hours of courses designated as general education including at least 6 hours in communications, 6 hours in humanities/fine arts, 6 hours in social/behavioral sciences, 3 hours in mathematics, and 4 hours in natural sciences. This is in accord with the standards set by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement between the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) and the University of North Carolina System, as well as between the NCCCS and the North Carolina Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. All general education outcomes are met through taking appropriate courses to complete the transfer degree.
All other degrees – associate in applied science and associate in general education - contain a minimum of 15 semester hours of general education courses and meet the general education outcomes at a level appropriate for associate degree recipients.
All diplomas must contain a minimum of 6 semester hours of general education courses. These programs meet the general education outcomes at a level appropriate for diploma recipients.
General Education Outcomes
Southeastern Community College has identified general education outcomes which are at the core of its mission. SCC assesses the achievement of these outcomes and seeks to continually improve student attainment in each area.
The general education outcomes with explanations are as follows:
Demonstrate college level communication skills (writing and speaking). Communication skills are those learned behaviors which enable individuals to effectively gather, assimilate, process, and disseminate information. Demonstration of the skills indicates that students can write and speak at the college level.
Demonstrate quantitative and scientific literacy. Quantitative and scientific literacy refer to understanding the use of processes, procedures, or evidence to solve problems or make effective decisions. Demonstration indicates that students solve problems or make decisions employing processes, procedures, data, or evidence.