General Education Requirements
Take 2 Groups
Group 1 - Take 3 credits from
Group 2 - Take 3 credits from
Humanities/Fine Arts
Take 3 credits from
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Take 3 credits from
Natural Sciences/Mathematics
Take 3 credits from
Major Requirements
The General Occupational Technology program provides flexible alternatives for meeting student and employer needs. Students should consult with their advisor to discuss program requirements, career options, and prepare an individualized planned program of study based on needs or interests to ensure achievement of their academic goals. An additional 49 SHC of Major Requirements courses must be selected to bring the program total to 64 hours of college-level credit. A maximum of 8 SHC in work-based learning (WBL) may be included.
Take 2 Groups
Group 1 - Take 1 credit from
Group 2 - Take 48 credits from
Choose 2-3 courses listed above in the Major Requirements area. Consult with your advisor to discuss program requirements, career options, and possible transfer opportunities.
Choose at least 4 courses listed above in the Major Requirements area. Consult with your advisor to discuss program requirements, career options, and possible transfer opportunities.
Choose courses listed above in the Major Requirements area to bring the program total to 64 hours of college-level credit. Consult with your advisor to discuss program requirements, career options, and possible transfer opportunities.